NCTV45's News Watch for Friday June 27, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
We need your input!
As part of the Blueprint Communities Initiative, the City of New Castle invites anyone who works, sleeps, eats, shops, visits, worships, or owns a business or property in the city to share their views. This survey is one of the first steps in the process for the newly assembled Blueprint Communities teams working to improve the business climate and livability of the city.
Please click or copy and paste this link into your internet browser:
The purpose of this survey is to get a better idea of how you feel about common attributes that contribute to a “sense of place” and quality of life within our community. The questions include the following areas of focus: Comfort & Appearance, Economic Uses/Characteristics, Sociability/Community Attitude, Activities and Access/Linkages. This information will guide us in continuing our efforts in developing a Blueprint Communities revitalization strategy for the City.
This is not limited to residents of the city or city boundaries. We want input from inside and outside of the community.
Please take a few minutes to participate in this survey about the City of New Castle. The deadline for the survey is Friday, June 27th.
Made available through the collaboration of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, United Stated Department of Agriculture, Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, the last time the Blueprint Communities Initiative was opened to Pennsylvania applicants was 2006.
As part of this new round in 2013 for Pennsylvania, the City of New Castle is one of only six communities competitively selected throughout the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to participate in the Blueprint Communities Initiative out of over 65 applicants. The initiative is focused on community revitalization through successful planning and implementation taking into account physical, economic and social needs of the community.
If you have any questions, please contact Matt Staniszewski, Community & Economic Development Director for the City of New Castle, at 724-656-3540.