NCTV45's News Watch for Monday June 16, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45's Community Happenings for June 15 thru 21, 2014, with your host Gary West..
NCTV45's Viewers Guide for June 15, thru June 21, 2014, Keep Watching NCTV45, & Tell A Friend; Have A Nice Day!
NCTV45's News Watch Weekend Edition for June 14, 2014, with your Host Gary West & Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45's Gentlemens Monthly: This months story, The Fathers of World War II, with your host Gary West special guest Nunzio Esposito.
NCTV45's News Watch for Friday June 13, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
Thanks to the New Castle Camera Club for their hospitality.
A Special Presentation from NCTV45: The Warner Theater Project In New Castle, with your Host Angelo Perrotta and Special Guest Jerry Kern.
Cook In The Castle "Hotdog It's Summer", with NCTV45's Angelo Perrotta. Today a different kind of hotdog is on the menu for Cook In The Castle or should we say Cook in The Courtyard. LOL.
Hotdogs 1 pkge
Bacon 1 pkge
Onion Med in size
NCTV45's News Watch for Thursday June 12, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
We need your input!
As part of the Blueprint Communities Initiative, the City of New Castle invites anyone who works, sleeps, eats, shops, visits, worships, or owns a business or property in the cityto share their views. This survey is one of the first steps in the process for the newly assembled Blueprint Communities teams working to improve the business climate and livability of the city.
Please click or copy and paste this link into your internet browser:
The purpose of this survey is to get a better idea of how you feel about common attributes that contribute to a "sense of place" and quality of life within our community. The questions include the following areas of focus: Comfort & Appearance, Economic Uses/Characteristics, Sociability/Community Attitude, Activities and Access/Linkages. This information will guide us in continuing our efforts in developing a Blueprint Communities revitalization strategy for the City.
This is not limited to residents of the city or city boundaries. We want input from inside and outside of the community.
Please take a few minutes to participate in this survey about the City of New Castle. The deadline for the survey is Friday, June 27th.
Made available through the collaboration of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, United Stated Department of Agriculture, Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, the last time the Blueprint Communities Initiative was opened to Pennsylvania applicants was 2006.
As part of this new round in 2013 for Pennsylvania, the City of New Castle is one of only six communities competitively selected throughout the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to participate in the Blueprint Communities Initiative out of over 65 applicants. The initiative is focused on community revitalization through successful planning and implementation taking into account physical, economic and social needs of the community.
If you have any questions, please contact Matt Staniszewski, Community & Economic Development Director for the City of New Castle, at 724-656-3540.
NCTV45's Focus NC Part 3, todays subject Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling, with your Host Gary West and special guest John Laughner.
NCTV45's News Watch for Wednesday June 11, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45's Focus NC Part 2, todays subject Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling, with your Host Gary West and special guest John Laughner.
NCTV45 News Watch for Tuesday, June 10, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45's Focus NC, todays subject Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling, with your Host Gary West and special guest John Laughner.
NCTV45 News Watch for Monday June 9, 2014 , with your host Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45 Community Happenings for June 8 thru June 14, 2014,
with Gary West & Taylor.
We at NCTV45 apologize for the technical difficulties with the video and audio.
Those who smile bring sunshine to others. Keep Smiling Have A Nice Day !
NCTV45 Viewers Guide for June 8th thru June 14, 2014
NCTV45 News Watch Weekend Edition for June 7, 2014,
with Gary West & Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45 News Watch for Friday June 6, 2014, with Angelo Perrotta.
Cook In The Castle, (Today) Southern BBQ Beef Sandwich, with Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45 News Watch for Thursday, June 5, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
Coming Thursday Night! Another edition of Cook In the Castle
Focus NC The New Castle Playhouse Part III, of III, with Gary West & special guest Peggy Hanna.
New Castle Playhouse
202 East Long Avenue
New Castle, Pa 16101
(724) 654-3437
NCTV45 New Watch Brief for Wednesday June 4, 2014, with Angelo Perrotta.
Please support our sponsors.
Focus NC The New Castle Playhouse Part II, of III, with Gary West & special guest Peggy Hanna.
New Castle Playhouse
202 East Long Avenue
New Castle, Pa 16101
(724) 654-3437
NCTV45 News Watch with news, sports, and weather. This edition is for June 3, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
Focus NC The New Castle Play House Part I of III, with your host Gary West & special guest Peggy Hanna.
New Castle Playhouse
202 East Long Avenue
New castle, Pa. 16101
(724) 654-3437
NCTV45 News Watch for June 2, 2014, with your Host Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45 Community Happenings For June 1 thru June 5, 2014,
with your host Gary West.
NCTV45 News Watch Weekend Edition for May 31, 2014, with your host Gary West & Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45 News Watch for Friday May 30, 2014, News Brief, with Angelo Perrotta.
This is a news brief. We are corrently up grading are system. and will resume regular News Watch 45 THis weekend.
P.S. It's May 29,2014
NCTV45 News Watch for Thursday May 28, 2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
Focus NC for Memorial Day 2014 Part III, with your host Gary West and
special guest Dave Gettings.
NCTV45 News Watch 45 Tuesday May 27,2014, your host Angelo Perrotta.
Focus NC for Memorial Day 2014 Part II, with your host Gary West and
special guest Dave Gettings.
Focus NC for Memorial Day 2014 Part I, with your host Gary West and
special guest Dave Gettings.
NCTV45's Community Happenings, with Gary West.
NCTV45 News Watch Weekend Edition May 25, 2014, with Gary West
& Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45's Cook In The Castle, with Angelo Perrotta. Todays perfect treat with
Angel Hair.
Focus NC Part 3, with your host Gary West & special guest Janet Falotico.
NCTV45 News Watch for Friday May 23, 2014, with your Host Angelo Perrotta.
Man alive keep Watching NCTV45.
Focus NC Part II, with your host Gary West & special guest Janet Falotico.
NCTV45 News Watch for May 22,2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
Plans to make New Castle Sparkle Top The News,plus sports & Weather.
NCTV45's Gentlemen's Monthly May Edition, a special feature for men. This edition talks about dressing for sucess and summer. What's the difference. Featured Business Main Street Clothiers. Remember Look like the King in The Castle, New Castle, and everywhere else.
NCTV45 News Watch for Wednesday May 21,2014, with your Host Angelo Perrotta.
Focus NC Part I, with your host Gary West & special guest Janet Falotico.
NCTV45 News Watch for Tuesday May 20,2014, with your host Angelo Perrotta.
Get out and vote.
A SPECIAL FOCUS NC, with your host Gary West and special guest Angelo Perrotta CEO of NCTV45. In this segment the conversion to new production and programming is explained.
NCTV45 WEATHER with Angelo Perrotta for Monday May 19, 2014. HAVE A Nice Day!
NCTV45's New Format Announced. The improvements will amaze you.
Every child is and all start and someone special. Please respect the game, players and umpires.
This is one ogf the many treasure in New Castle that goes unnoticed. The NCBA (New Castle Baseball Association) held a fund raiser dance last Friday. A great time was had by all. These volunteers gave their time and a great deal of effort to create a great atmosphere for our children. We thank you for your time and effort.
Every child is and all start and someone special. Please respect the game, players and umpires.
Focus NC with your Host Gary West and special Guest Rhonda DeFelice. Rhonda is known as the Good Green Witch. This show focuses on environmental issues, earth, ecology, and recycling.
Every child is and all start and someone special. Please respect the game, players and umpires.
NCTV45 Community Happenings for May 11 thru May17, 2014, with your Host Gary West
Happy Mothers Day From NCTV45. A special Video Card to all Mothers with Love From NCTV45
Focus NC with your Host Gary West and special Guest Rhonda DeFelice. She is known as the good green witch. This show focus on the earth, ecology, and recycling. It will air Thursday, Saturday and Monday
News, Sports, & Weather for New Castle and Lawrence County.
Every child is and all start and someone special. Please respect the game, players and umpires.
Focus NC with your Host Gary West and special Guest Rhonda DeFelice. She is known as the good green witch. This show focus on the earth, ecology, and recycling. It will air Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
This is nctv45's first attempt to broadcast youth baseball in New castle. Every young athlete is special and this is to create awareness and enhance the experience for all. Be looking for segments Friday and Saturday mornings.
NCTV45 Community Happenings for May 3 thru May May 9, 2014 with your host Gary West. His wardrobe furnished by Main Street Clothiers.
Sponsor by Butz's and Pizza Joe's.
NCTV45 News Watch with your Host Gary West and Angelo Perrotta.
NCTV45 News Watch with your host Gary West and Angelo Perrotta. This news program offers a look at news in and around New Castle and Lawrence County.
Earth day activities were a tremendous success. We NCTV45 apologize for the audio.
Part III Focus NC with Host Gary West special guest JoAnn Esposito. Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is ment to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we interview JoAnn Esposito a cancer surviver. This is the first of a three part series that started on Tuesday and will conclude on Thursday. Your host is Gary West. Please to email us at or follow us on facebook or twitter.
Part II Focus NC with Host Gary West special guest JoAnn Esposito. Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is ment to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we interview JoAnn Esposito a cancer surviver. This is the first of a three part series that started on Tuesday and will conclude on Thursday. Your host is Gary West. Please to email us at or follow us on facebook or twitter.
Community Happenings April 28- May 3, 2014
with Gary West
Part I Focus NC with Host Gary West special guest JoAnn Esposito. Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is ment to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we interview JoAnnEsposito a cancer surviver. This is the first of a three part series that started on Tuesday and will conclude on Thursday. Your host is Gary West. Please to email us at or follow us on facebook or twitter.
The students of The New Castle Highschool took the stage this weekend to present their version of Footloose the musical. From the openning act Scene 1 The City of Chicago to the FOOTLOOSE FINALE the play was a smash hit enjoyed by a packed auditorium. The students involved should be congratulated for a job well done.
Focus NC is dedicated to give the people of Lawrence County positive information that they can use in everyday life. This is Part 2 of a two part series with host Gary West and guest Angelo Perrotta lll who is the CEO of NCTv45. Focus NC is a weekly presentation of NCTV45.
Part I Focus NC with Host Gary West special guest Angelo Perrotta CEO of NCTV45. Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is ment to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we interview Angelo Perrotta III member Stand Up for New Castle. This is the first of a two part series that started on Monday and will conclude on Tuesday. Your host is Gary West. Please to email us at or follow us on facebook or twitter
Presented by the Hoyt Center for the Arts,
The Double Brew was a unique event featuring artisan coffee and craft bee tasting, brew-infused foods, arts in action, art auction, cigar patio, strolling magician, and more.
Proceeds benefited the New Castle Fireworks Festival featuring Arts on the Riverwalk.
Please excuse usat NCTV45. We were only able to obtain video footage, there wasn't an announcer available at that time.
NCTV45 Community Happenings for April 19--25, 2014, with Gary West and Taylor.
NCTV45 Wishes New Castle & Lawrence Couty a Happy Spring!
NCTV45 Loves Lawrence County!
New Castle Red Hurricane Track The Boy's Top Hopewell 85-65..
First Place Finishers
Thaemon Mitchell (QUAD Winner) Long Jump,Triple Jump, High Jump, & 4X100m relay
Mike Mazzanti (Triple Winner) 3200m relay, 800m run, & 400m Dash
La Var Ware (Triple Winner) Shot, Discus, & Javelin
Khalil Huddleston (Double Winner) 100m, 200m, & 4X100m Relay
Alex Shepherd 300m Hurdles
Part III Focus NC with your host Gary West and Special Guest Larry Corvi. Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is meant to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we continue our interview with Larry Corvi, member of the Chamber of Commerce and New Visions/Stand Up for New Castle. This is the third in a three part series that started on Monday. Please email us at or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
86-Hopewell / 54- New Castle
Quadruple Winner - Caitlin Adamo - 800m, 1600m, 3200 Relay and 1600m Relay
Triple Winner - Kelcey Seth - Triple Jump, 3200m Relay, 1600m Relay
Double Winners - Andrea Lansdowne, Kylie Habib - 3200m Relay, 1600m Relay
Other Top performers:
Darrian Johnson - 1st in Long Jump, 2nd in 100m & 200m dash
Jamay Walker - 2nd in Sot Put, 2nd in Discus
Part II Focus NC with your host Gary West and Special Guest Larry Corvi Part II. Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is ment to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we continue our interview with Larry Corvi, member of the Chamber of Commerce and Stand Up for New Castle. This is the second in a three part series that started on Monday. Your host is Gary West. Please to email us at or follow us on facebook or twitter.
First Place Finishers posted Thursday Keep Watching!!!!!
Second Place Finishers
Steven Whetli Shot Put & Discus
Curtis Allie 300m Hurdles
Geno Stone Long Jump
Third Place Finishers
Tyler Payne Long Jump & Triple Jump
Marshane McElroy 100m Dash & 400m Dash
Curtis Allie 110m Hurdles
Tyrell Hawkins 200m Dash
Niles Hollaway Shot Put
Nick Trelaor Javelin
Focus NC is a program dedicated to the people of Lawrence County. It is ment to introduce people and or issues that shape the lives of those who live and work in Lawrence County. In todays show we introduce Larry Corvi who is with the Chamber of Commerce and Stand up for New Castle. This is the first part of a three part series air on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Nights. Your host is Gary West. Please feel free to email us at or follow us on facebook or twitter.
NCTV45 Community Happenings
For April 13-18, 2014
with Gary West & Taylor
Introducing Taylor, new to NCTV45. Enjoy these great events and wacth NCTV45 for more information on fun and entertainment.
A Magical evening of music at the Confluence. The concert featured Jeff Sritz and Sam Lutz, Westminster College students. They delighted the audience with their original sounds. Here's a listen.
Bill's Bake Shop in Mahoningtown prepares treats for Easter.
New Castle Red Hurricanes Downtown Parade
Canes arrive home State Champions!
New Castle - PIAA Championship - Awards Ceremony
New Castle Vs La Salle - PIAA Championship - Q4 part 3
Score: 52--39 FinalCanes win State Championship!
New Castle Vs La Salle - PIAA Championship - Q4 part 2
Score: 41--33 Canes
New Castle Vs La Salle - PIAA Championship - Q4 part 1
Score: 35--29 Canes
New Castle Vs La Salle - PIAA Championship - Q3 part 3
Score: 30--24 Canes
New Castle Vs La Salle - PIAA Championship - Q3 part 2
Score: 24--21 Canes