NCTV45's Community Happenings for Nov 30 thru Dec 6, 2014
with Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45 Newswatch for Saturday, November 29, 2014
with Gary West and Angelo Perrotta
Hurricanes. 4
Penguins. . 2
NCTV45's Newswatch for Friday, November 28, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch for Friday, November 28, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day, Friday, November 28, 2014, Fr. Mike Ackerman
Butz Flowers & Gifts Presents Butz 12 Days Of Christmas
Inspiretees Inspiretees You'll Love These!
Thanksgiving Address for New Castle, Given by Rev. David Young
NCTV45's Newswatch for Thanksgiving, November 27, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45'S Thought for the Day, Thanksgiving, November 27, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
Thought for the Evening: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 with Ed Frisbee
NCTV45's Newswatch for Wednesday, November 26, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day, Wednesday, November 26, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Cook in The Castle Today's Dish: Smoke House Salsbury Steak
with the Cook in the Castle Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch for Tuesday, November 25, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Raven 34
Saints 27
Bills 38
Jets 3
Thought for the Day, Tuesday, November 25, 2014 with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's New Castle Alive Today's Topic: Italian American Holidays
with your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch for Monday, November 24, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day, Monday, November 24, 2014, with Fr Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Community Happenings for November 23- 29, 2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
Sunday with Ana Acosta November 23, 2014 "Giving Thanks"
Thought for the Evening, Saturday, November 22, 2014 with Ed Frisbee
NCTV45's Newswatch for Saturday, November 22, 2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
Saturday 20% Chc Rain High 43
Saturday Night 40% Chc of Rain Low 37
Sunday 30% Chc of Rain High 53
Sunday Night 80% Chc of Rain Low 45
Pens 4
Islander 5
NCTV45's Newswatch for, Friday, November 21, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Raiders 24
Chiefs 20
Thought for the Day, Friday, November 21, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCV45's Cook in the Castle: Today's Dish: Terikai London Broil
with the Cook in the Castle Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch for Thursday, November 20, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Spurs 92
Cavs 90
Thought for te Day, Thursday, November 20, 2014 with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's New Castle Alive
with Special Guest Richard Lyons CEO YMCA
your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newwatch for Wednesday, November 19, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Penguins 4
Canadiens 0
Go Pens !
The Thought for the Day, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
Thought for the Evening: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 with Ed Frisbee
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for Tuesday, November 18, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Steelers 27
Titans 24
Wind Chill below 0
Thought for the Day, Tuesday, November 18, 2014
standing in for Fr. Mike Ackerman,
Angelo Perrotta Station Manager
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for, Monday, November 17, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Community Happenings for November 16 thru 22, 2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch Weekend Edition for Saturday, November 15, 2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's News Brief for Friday, November 14, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day; Friday November 14, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Newswatch for: Thursday, November 13, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day, Thursday, November 13, 2014: with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for Wednesday, November 12, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day:
Wednesday, November 12, 2014,
with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's New Castle Alive
Today's Guest: Frank Parrish The Globe Leader
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Another Lawrence County Treasure
NCTV45's Newswatch for, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Veteran's Day
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Eagles 45
Panthers 21
Thought for the Day: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Newswatch for Monday, November 10, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Jets 20
Steelers 13
Thought for the Day,
Monday, November 10, 2014
with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Community Happenings for November 9 thru 15,2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
Sunday Worship with Chaplain Ana Acosta November 9, 2014
Catholic Mass:
From Mary Mother Of Hope Parish:
Feast of St. John Lateran: Sunday, November 9, 2014
with your celebrant Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45 Presents the Vetern's Day Parade in New Castle, Pa Nov. 8, 2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch Weekend Edition for Saturday, November 8, 2014
with your host Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
High School Football Weather
Neshannock 46 Last Night 27
Jeanette 32 Saturday 20% Ch Rain 47______________________
Clairton 68 Saturday Night 30% Ch Rain 29
Shenango 7 Sunday Mostly Cloudy 43
Wilmington 35 Sunday Night Partly Cloudy 32
Cambridge Sp 0
NCTV45 Special Presentation New Vision's Larry Corvi
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for Friday, November 7, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
TNF Browns 24
Bengals 3 F
NHL Pens 4
Jets 3 F S/O
Thought for the Day, Friday, November 7, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Cook in the Castle, Today's Dish: Beef & Cheese Enchiladas
with your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch
for Thursday, November 6, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day: Thursday, November 6, 2014 with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Focus NC
with New Visions Larry Corvi
with your host Angelo Perrotta
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for:
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Thought for the Day:
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
with Father Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for
Tuesday: November 4, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
Election Day ! VOTE!
Thought for The Day; Tuesday, November 4, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
Pizza Makers of Lawrence County, Today Little Johnny's II Downtown New Castle
Steelers 43
Raven 23
NCTV45's Newswatch Daily for
Monday, November 3, 2014
with your host Angelo Perrotta
MNF: Colts @ Giants
Thought for the Day, Monday, November 3, 2014, with Fr. Mike Ackerman
NCTV45's Community Happenings For November 2 thru Nov. 8, 2014
with your hosts Gary West & Angelo Perrotta
Catholic Mass
November 2, 2014 All Souls Day
The 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
with your Celeberant Fr. Mike Ackerman
from New Castle, Pa.
NCTV45's Newswatch for
Saturday, November 1, 2014
with your Hosts
Gary West & Angelo Perrotta